IFSW has launched a new dedicated area of its website to highlight its representation work at the United Nations. See it here.
“We have teams of social worker’s volunteering as representatives in New York, Geneva, Nairobi, Vienna, and also individual representatives in Santiago de Chile, the World Health Organisation and on the Board of CoNGO”, said Dr Rory Truell, IFSW Secretary General. “The UN has fully welcomed our participation as they value our international ‘on-the-ground’ practical experience and insights of policy frameworks that either lift people out of oppressive situations, or polices that keep people trapped. We hope that the higher level of visibility of our work at the UN will also encourage social workers, and the communities they work alongside, to join the discussion on how the UN, and all of us can shape a more socially-just and fair world”, he said.
Ruth Stark, IFSW Global President said, “The new UN pages on the website will help members and others keep up-to-date with all the activities our Representatives undertake on behalf of the Federation. It will show how information from the frontline of social work practice is shared with policy and decision makers at the highest levels of international governance. Working together we will make a difference”, she said.
See the new area of the IFSW website here. To contact the representatives click here.